Remote management.
Always and everywhere.

the Techboard Group's
Industry Division

The Techboard group's goal has always been the constant search for new solutions and innovative technologies. With this idea was born IND-VISION, the Industry Division of Techboard, which has developed, in recent years, applications for remote assistance with Team XR's smart glasses, and for the optimization of industrial production processes with Prod@Eye.

R&D Department

Control and testing

We have the solution
for every situation

From the rivolutionary Prod@Eye system for the productivity and efficiency control of production plants, to the use of extended reality solutions with Team XR, offering the possibility to remotely connect to an operator and see in real time exactly what he sees, send documents or drawing on a virtual whiteboard, IND-VISION promotes increasingly innovative solutions by supporting companies in optimizing every industrial process.

Remote Audit



Distance education

Quality check


We increase the perception of reality

with our systems for Augmented Reality assistance.

Team XR, powered by Holomask, works on the added value of extended reality solutions by offering the possibility to connect to a remote operator and see in real time exactly what he sees, send documents or draw on a virtual whiteboard, all displayed in the field of view of the operator on site.

There is no need to be on site

Team XR software provides the ability to remotely connect with an operator through augmented reality solutions

Joint work & hands free

Let's see exactly what the operator on field sees in real time. The operator can operate hands-free.

Documentation available on site

You can send documents or draw on a virtual whiteboard; the images are displayed in the field of view of the on site operator.


Hands-free use

All included, software + smart glasses



Would you like to know the revolutionary system for augmented reality assistance?


We improve productivity,

thanks to the Video Production Control system.

Prod@Eye, a revolutionary system for controlling the productivity and efficiency of production plants, already adopted by lot of high international standard companies.

Prod@Eye identifies and records only the critical events allowing the immediate detection and solution of the causes that generated the production block.

The VIDEO ANALYSIS of the recordings allows to objectively identify the event, share this analysis with third parties and define the intervention for the solution of the block. The advantage of using Prod@Eye is the possibility of creating a remote monitoring service aimed at continuously improving the productivity and efficiency of the production line.

Fast resolution of the machine stop

Live observation

Detailed analysis of situations

Continuous monitoring

Support staff training

Would you like to know the productivity control system?

Would you like more information?

Virtually meet one of our managers taking the opportunity to try our remote video interaction system!

Techboard Group S.r.l.
Via della Scienza, 50 - 41122 Modena - Italy
Tel. +39.059.289865
C.F. e P. IVA 01579050368
Iscrizione Registro Imprese Modena n. REA 227319